
Toony's Wings

To you and your wing, A song I always sing   A Pretty Little Bird A pretty little bird, unknown of her quest, Laughing, chirping, playing, unknown of the rest, Singing her melodies, in her own dream world, The mighty tale of the kings, Was only what she heard. Princess of her father, apple of mother’s eyes, Grown up, with wits like a king, never ever she cries. The little fairy so beautiful, even demons use to adore, Happened to be the fighter, whom nothing can tore. Yet the fate was waiting, to end all the laughs, But king wanted to see, her daughter taking off. The doom fell soon, and the princess could not flee, The hidden quest for wings, was only she could see. The bird remembered the tales, her father used to tell, The words so inspiring, never ever she fell. Keeping the words in heart, she passed all the test, As she had promised, she will touch the sky at best. The pretty little bird, has found the wings at last, Thinking...

Two Girls

“You ever stepped out of this house to enjoy, and you will be done”, “It’s not your cup of tea”, “You should not do like this, “at least care what the world says”, “you should (read MUST) not talk like this, you are a disgrace to this family, this society”. And like these there are thousands of taunts hurled everyday at any random girl in our beloved society. You can say it as a girl doesn’t get puberty, unless world lets them believe it, and one fine day they are not the same innocent child they used to be. They suddenly become subjected to a set code of conducts (read MISCONDUCT). For a girl, there are no options but to take what world has to offer. In every girl’s life, there comes a time when the so called society slaps those countless established decorum on a girl’s face, to make her rot like a caged bird. Their feathers are always admired, but no one wants them to fly. They are told (read Dictated) what to do and what not to. My childhood has been well spent with two gir...