Toony's Wings

To you and your wing, A song I always sing
  A Pretty Little Bird
A pretty little bird, unknown of her quest,
Laughing, chirping, playing, unknown of the rest,
Singing her melodies, in her own dream world,
The mighty tale of the kings, Was only what she heard.

Princess of her father, apple of mother’s eyes,
Grown up, with wits like a king, never ever she cries.
The little fairy so beautiful, even demons use to adore,
Happened to be the fighter, whom nothing can tore.

Yet the fate was waiting, to end all the laughs,
But king wanted to see, her daughter taking off.
The doom fell soon, and the princess could not flee,
The hidden quest for wings, was only she could see.

The bird remembered the tales, her father used to tell,
The words so inspiring, never ever she fell.
Keeping the words in heart, she passed all the test,
As she had promised, she will touch the sky at best.

The pretty little bird, has found the wings at last,
Thinking, only if she could have, done it a little fast,
She brings all the happiness, wherever she goes,
The cost of these smiles, I tell you, only she knows.

While that pretty little bird, scales all the sky,
See the smiling King, in the feathers she spans to fly.
A thousand tales are there, up a hundred mile, 
And none beats the beauty, of watching her smile.

And none beats the beauty..Of watching her smile.

From the unread pages of  my life's diary.


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